
In order to prevent consumer confusion, possible trademark infringement and to protect the Trademark rights for each candy manufacture, Family Freeze Dry, LLC has an obligation to inform all potential customers of the following.

#1. The Family Freeze Dry, LLC is in no way affiliated with, have a sponsorship association or represent in any matter any other candy company.

#2. The Trademarks for candies sold are exclusive to each manufacture and IS NOT owned or claim to be owned by Family Freeze Dry, LLC.

#3. The freeze dried candy sold on this site IS NOT created by or sold by the manufacturer of the actual candy. Deception on the source or origin is strictly prohibited.

#4. The candy that is used to freeze dry ARE AUTHENTIC candies however, once the candy has been freeze dried, the texture and sometimes the taste changes so, the candy sold on this site HAS BEEN MODIFIED by Family Freeze Dry, LLC. We reiterate that these candies are not produced by the actual (original) candy manufacturers.



#1. The freeze dried candy sold on this site are not created by or sold by the manufacturer of the actual candy. Deception on the original source or origin of these candies is strictly prohibited. Family Freeze Dry, LLC will never claim to be the original manufacturer.

#2. The candy that is used to freeze dry are authentic candies however, once the candy has been freeze dried, the texture and sometimes the taste changes so, the candy sold on this site has been modified by Family Freeze Dry, LLC. We reiterate that these freeze dried candies are not produced by the actual (original) candy manufacturers.